Australian cycling and walking counter display trial uses Q-Free’s expanded active transport portfolio
Trial provides real-time data on the path to help authorities make more informed decisions
- Brisbane, Queensland hosts Q-Free counter and display technology in data-gathering trial
- Q-Free HI-TRAC CMU detects real-time cyclist and pedestrian activity
- Roadside display shares usage data with passersby
Q-Free (OSE: QFR), a global leader in mobility solutions for smart city infrastructure, today announced its participation in an innovative cycling and walking counter display trial in Brisbane, Australia. The trial counts and displays the number of people using active transport routes at an installation on a path along Canon Garland Overpass in Toowong. An initiative of the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), the trial will deliver insight into the functionality and suitability of the display technologies to determine if a full rollout could benefit other locations in the future.
“Q-Free is grateful to be a part of this innovative study of cycle path use,” says Asia and Pacific Vice President Silje Troseth. “We are particularly excited that the cycling public gets to offer their insight and feedback, which will make the data even more relevant and useful towards improving active transport. Cycling has many benefits, from personal health to sustainability and environmental health, so promoting it aligns with Q-Free’s values.”
Cycling improvement represents a global opportunity
The TMR trial in Brisbane represents another Q-Free cycling and walking counting and display technology deployment to improve active transport safety, access, and use. Further down the coast from Brisbane, the City of Gold Coast uses HI-TRAC® CMU units to detect and generate crucial data on the volume and movements of pedestrians and cyclists. When a study determined safety was the top reason citizens of Glasgow, Scotland, didn’t use bicycles, the Glasgow City Council used a network of HI-TRAC CMU units as part of the solution. The units, integrated into the local traffic control network, detect cyclists and communicate with warning signs and traffic signals to improve safety for all road users.
Robust software supporting versatile hardware
The HI-TRAC CMU units get optimal support with Kinetic® Counts software, part of Q-Free’s powerful Kinetic Mobility platform, to detect and distinguish actual bicycles from other vehicles or pedestrians. Kinetic Counts monitors and tallies cycle lane use and generates real-time usage data which it communicates with Kinetic Signs software. Using Kinetic Signs, daily and year-to-date data along with other relevant details like current time, temperature, words of encouragement, and safety awareness messages are shared with path users on an interactive display.
Technology that supports cycling and walking improves traffic and quality of life for members of the community. Q-Free’s EVP of Sustainability, People, and Brand, Hege Sand, links cycling and walking with Q-Free’s vision:
“The many benefits of cycling and walking align with Q-Free’s goals of safe and clean transportation for people everywhere. Active transport improves our health through exercise while at the same time reducing emissions. We build technology to make active transport and mixed-use roads safer and better for everyone.”