Q-Free announces LaneAware™ Airports, the first web-based lane closure management system for travel hubs
LaneAware organizes, manages, and automates lane closures and allows travelers and businesses to plan routes more efficiently.
Q-Free (OSE: QFR) today announced LaneAware™ Airports, a new web-based application adapted from their first-of-its-kind software, LaneAware Work Zones. Designed for travel hubs around the world, LaneAware Airports is a stand-alone solution that efficiently organizes, manages, and automates lane closures for airports, which typically must coordinate construction and maintenance crews manually while trying to ensure a pleasant traveler experience.
“We realized early on that our unprecedented LaneAware Work Zones solution could make a massive impact on facilities and organizations with a lot of moving parts,” said Morten Andersson, senior executive vice president of traffic management for Q-Free. “Most lane closure activities at airports are handled by multiple departments, making it an extreme challenge to coordinate activities without negatively impacting operations or traffic at critical times. LaneAware Airports centralizes and resolves these conflicts easily, providing a seamless experience for both travelers and workers.”
LaneAware Airports uses geospatial time-based, user-defined business rules to automate the lane closure process and dramatically reduce the workload for airport staff and contractors. Approved staff and contractors can reserve lanes to close within specific time frames before work begins, providing staff with advanced notice, curbing last-minute notifications, and notifying stakeholders if multiple contractors attempt to reserve conflicting lane closures.
Once a lane closure reservation is made, airport staff can program notification messages for travelers and integrate those with a city’s traffic management system and other applications using Q-Free’s flexible application programming interface (API). This added benefit provides the public, media, and airport-focused vendors with the latest closure information, allowing travelers and businesses to plan routes and schedules more efficiently, improving their overall experience in and around the airport.
Andersson said, “It’s a fantastic tool for airports because it gives management a birds-eye view of all scheduled activities. This helps them make informed, data-driven decisions so they can avoid peak travel times and not hinder travelers—who may already be under a tremendous amount of stress.”
About Q-Free
Q-Free ASA (OSE: QFR) is a global innovator in intelligent transportation systems that improve traffic flow, road safety, and air quality. With an open, collaborative approach to tolling, traffic and active transportation management, Q-Free works with customers and partners on every continent to digitize infrastructure and overcome modern mobility challenges for the greater good of society.
Headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, Q-Free has annual revenues of approximately 1 billion NOK (100 million USD) and employs about 400 transportation innovators, experts and enthusiasts. To learn more about how Q-Free is changing the movements of life, visit
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