
Q-Free won ITS Australia Connected and Automated Vehicle Award

We are thrilled to share that Q-Free on Thursday this week was recognized for its innovative work within C-ITS. Our Emergency Service Vehicle Notification C-ITS use case won the ITS Australia Connected and Automated Vehicle Award.

Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) are one of the most significant tools to enable a safer, more efficient, and accessible transportation system. In Q-Free, we collaborate with partners around the world on testing relevant road travel scenarios.

The specific Emergency Service Vehicle Notification use case aims to minimize emergency vehicle response time and improve road safety by:

  • improving situational awareness for road users of any emergency vehicle in the vicinity;
  • providing directional-based alerts to contextualize the situational awareness; and
  • warning of stationary or slow-moving emergency service vehicles and providing recommended actions such as a reduced target speed, in accordance with local regulations.

«This recognition is a testament to the outstanding collaboration across internal and external stakeholders», says our VP APMEA Silje Troseth. “The project has been a joint effort by the University of Melbourne representing academia, Lexus as vehicle manufacturer, Ambulance Victoria as an emergency service, and AIMES, Australian Integrated Multimodal EcoSystem. Q-Free has had employees engaged across its offices in Australia, Poland and Norway”, she continues.

We are honored to be recognized for our work and look forward to continuing our C-ITS projects in Australia and promoting Q-Free in the ITS sector. Don’t hesitate to contact for more information on our innovative C-ITS solutions. You can also explore our Q-Safe solutions here.

Let’s continue to change the movements of life together, for the better.