
Q-Free makes further C-ITS progress in Australia

Over the next 3.5 years, TMR will undertake a trial as part of its Cooperative and Automated Vehicles Initiative (CAVI). Around 500 motorists will have their vehicles retrofitted with C-ITS technology. These devices work by providing safety warnings to drivers about a range of conditions – for example, pedestrians crossing at a signalised intersection, red light runners or traffic queues which are not visible to approaching drivers.

Queensland’s C-ITS trial will take place in the town of Ipswich, just outside the state capital of Brisbane. (Open source picture)

Q-Free is participating in the first phase of the trial, providing Subject Matter Expert input at both the design and deployment stages, as well as testing the resultant design. The company will also supply and maintain ITS stations for TMR’s evaluation. Q-Free Australia’s Senior Solution Architect, Lance Brand, and Principal Solutions Engineer, Chris Myatt, have commenced work on this project, alongside Knut Evensen and Ola Martin Lykkja from Q-Free’s Future ITS Solutions group.

“Our involvement in the first phase of CAVI is an important step towards participating in a wider deployment potentially involving hundreds of Q-Free Universal ITS Stations,” says Brand. “It reflects TMR’s confidence in our products and capabilities. That confidence is based on our successful participation in a number of European Union C-ITS trials and, more recently, our demonstration at the 2016 ITS World Congress in Melbourne.”