

(This notice is a translation of the Norwegian notice of the General meeting. If any deviation between the two versions, the Norwegian version shall prevail.)

Notice is hereby given for an Extraordinary General meeting in Q-Free ASA on Monday 18 May 2020 at 09.00 CET at the Company’s office in Henrik Ibsens gate 100, 0255 Oslo, to resolve on the proposal by the Board of Directors to issue a subordinated convertible loan.

Further reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made Friday 24 April 2020 regarding placement of NOK 80 million unsecured subordinated convertible bonds.

Due to restrictions caused by COVID-19, the shareholders are encouraged to exercise their shareholder rights without attending in person through advance voting or by providing a proxy to the Acting Chair of the Board or the person he authorizes.

The notice and papers, together with the notice of attendance and proxy form, have been sent to all shareholders with known addresses registered in the Norwegian Security Depository (VPS) as of 24 April 2020.

In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the notice and the agenda papers with proposed resolutions for the respective items on the agenda, as well as the registration- and proxy form, are all available on the Company’s website:

Upon request to the Company, the notice and agenda papers may be obtained in a printed version sent by regular post.

Enclosures: Notice of Extraordinary General meeting 18 May 2020

Trond Valvik
Acting Chair of the Board

Board of Directors of Q-Free ASA

Q-Free is a leading global supplier of ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) products and solutions. The company has approximately 400 employees, offices in 16 countries, and a presence on all continents. Headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, Q-Free is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker QFR.
Twitter: @QFreeASA