Free to collaborate
By Traffic Technology International
A campaign to create a common language for ITS device communication is gaining traction. A future of much greater interoperability is taking shape.
The FREEtheMIBS campaign that Q-Free started last year has inspired sharp disagreement in the ITS world. A growing list of more than 25 signatories already includes the manufacturers Siemens, Miovision and Encom, as well as several DOTs such as Oregon, Utah and Georgia. Some major ITS players have expressed their opposition to the campaign, however, for Tom Stiles, Q-Free’s vice president of urban solutions, it has become a moral crusade to “crush the proprietary nature of of MIBs which have haunted our industry for a long time.”
Read Traffic Technology International’s complete expose on the FREEtheMIBS campaign, launched by Q-Free in 2019, in their September magazine.