Q-Free Events
Q-Free Events


Q-Free welcomes C-ITS day

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  • Q-Free welcomes C-ITS day

The event focuses on collaborative ITS and we will demonstrate various applications within this, called “Priority Services”. The day will be a mix of professional input and practical demonstrations, spiced with good discussions along the way.

Don’t miss the chance to sit behind the wheel of an automated car as Tesla showcases test cars. We have retrofitted ITS drives so you can both see the most advanced cars today, as well as get an idea of ​​how collaborative automated vehicles will look in the future.


09.30 – Registration and coffee

10.00 – Welcome Håkon Volldal

10.15 – Smart cars – what’s happening in Norway? Knut Evensen and Ola Martin Lykkja

When the car begins to know more than the driver, it can make choices that promote safety, environment and efficiency. Research and standardization around Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) has been greatly intensified over the past three years. We give a brief introduction to what is happening in Europe and the rest of the world in this field, and also discuss the most important services and technologies that come now. Much of the technology can be experienced in a closed loop from road maps and inside automated cars.

11.00 – Run with demonstration of various C-ITS applications

12.00 – Lunch

13.00 – ParQ Anders Hagen

Looking for free parking space is in the past if Q-Free gets what we want. Parking sensors showing vacant and full spaces are just the start. As you draw history, statistics, ordering and payment into this image, it may mean the end of traffic caused by drivers looking for parking in cities. Sensor data also provides other exciting opportunities when assembled on a large scale, and we also share a little about our new HUB venture.

13.30 – The toll of the future Odd Håvard Skevik

AutoPASS has been around for 20 years in Norway, but what happens on the toll page for the next 20 years? The buzz words are many: Virtual road stations, video detection, GPS-based tolling, self-reporting cars and more. We look into the glass bowl and end with a plenary discussion.

We expect to end the day just after 14.00. Hope we see you at Lånke!


Sign up before August 13th. Do you have questions? Contact Silje Færestrand: silje.faerestrand@q-free.com

Lånke, Norway